The cost of coding/ de coding is equal to that an accessing or searching the hash table. 压缩的编码/解码成为对hash表一次查找或直接访问的开销。
Hash High Order Dictionary Coding and Its Implementation 散列高阶字典编码及其实现
In the process of data writing, through the construction of the Hash value class of data piece after coding, namely the numerical fingerprint, the integrality of the Byzantine environment data can be fully protected. 该方案在数据写入过程中通过构造编码后数据分块的Hash值级连,即所谓的数字指纹,可实现Byzantine环境数据的完整性保护。
A Single Input-Single Output of Cerebllar Model Articulation Controller CMAC Algorithm ( SISO-CMAC) is presented to solve the problem of low generalization precision and effected on convergence by hash coding. 针对CMAC神经网络存在的泛化精度有限,且学习收敛性易受HASH映射影响的缺点,提出了一种单输入/单输出的小脑模型神经网络(SISO-CMAC)和学习算法。
Using geographic coding identified by the Hash value to mark the region, and using the Hash value to index the list of users, terrain data, and model object data. 以Hash值标识为区域的地理编码,并以Hash值索引用户列表、地形数据、模型对象数据。